We invite you to apply for membership via if you fulfill the membership criteria.
Membership fee per year: EUR 500,-.
For EANLPt accredited institues membership fee per year is EUR 100,-.
Please send us an email with the following details
- name, adress, date of birth and training of all your trainers
- number of practitioners graduated which year
- legal status (non-profit association, company, foundation, individual ownership etc.) and name of representatives/owners of your entity
Membership criteria
A. Design and structure
- our NLP Practitioner and Master Practitioner courses each take at least 34 days over 8 - 14 months plus peergroups
- our testing is done with external clients
- regular maximum group size is 25 students (exception for 15 % of the course possible)
- a peergroup and trainer approved coaching video is required for a positive graduation
- a modelling-project is done in the master pract course
B. Trainers
- at least 4 fully trained NLP trainers are training
- no trainer is doing more than 40 % of the training days
- all trainers have at least a coaching ( black standard) and preferably a mediation license valid in an EU country
- at least 50% of the trainers also have a local or ECP psychotherapy licence
- the center has externally validated quality standards, eg EANLPt, ISO 9001, WAFF, eduQUa, EuCF.